Annual Human Rights Lecture 2021

Armidale Sanctuary will be holding its’ Annual Human Rights Lecture on Oct 28th! Once again, due to Covid-19, the event will be available in person and online.

What: This is an evening where a guest, this year Professor Diana Eades, will speak on the topic of human rights for 45 minutes, followed by a QnA where people who are attending live and on zoom will have a chance to participate in.

Who: Professor Diana Eades, a sociolinguist who specialises in inter-cultural communication and language in the legal process, particularly focusing on the use of English by, to and about Aboriginal people.

Topic: “At the very heart of human rights”: how does the law listen to Aboriginal people?

The continuing drastic overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system has been called “one of the most urgent human rights issues facing Australia”. This talk will examine an essential question that must be addressed in tackling this issue: how do non-Aboriginal people listen to Aboriginal people? Drawing on her sociolinguistic background and experience over more than 3 decades, Professor Diana Eades will consider what is involved, ignored and/or misunderstood in hearing, and really listening to, Aboriginal people, particularly in legal settings.

Where: The event will be live at the Armidale Bowling Club, however due to limited tickets for live attendance, there is also an online option. These tickets will be available for VIP guests and members of Armidale Sanctuary, who will be given the information for registering for the event via email. We will be livestreaming the event on the night through Zoom, so the Armidale public (or wherever else you may be) will not miss out! To register for the zoom event, follow the links below. Any remaining in person tickets will be opened to the public closer to the date.

When: 28 Oct, 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start

Cost: FREE! Although donations are always welcome.

Online event:

In person: