Human rights lecture 2023

Professor Rosalind Croucher- President of the Human Rights Commission Making Rights a Reality The need for a Human Rights Act for Australia Thursday 14 September, 5.30 for 6 pm Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club Free admission (donations welcome)

Human Rights Lecture 2022

Annual Human Rights Lecture, 2022 Paul Power CEO, Refugee Council of Australia Advancing a fairer Australia: The role of local communities in refugee policy reform Thursday 6 October, 5.30 for 6 pm Armidale Bowling Club Free admission (donations welcome) Paul Power has been the CEO of the Refugee Council of Australia since

2022 Humanitarian Award

2022 Humanitarian Award Recently Armidale Sanctuary was awarded the 2022 NSW Humanitarian Award in the Rural and Regional category. The presentation of the 2022 NSW Humanitarian Awards was held at Government House in Sydney on 5 July. The awards given intend to acknowledge people who have made an exceptional

Refugee Week 2022

Refugee Week Event 2022 In celebration of refugee week just gone, Armidale is putting on a refugee week event in conjunction with the PCYC markets this Sunday! The event will be from 11am - 1pm and will involve a variety of activities and stalls including crafts, sport, food AND a stall for

Nauru to Canada Appeal - Update Two years ago we raised over $53,000 to help a Rohingya refugee on Nauru and his family back in Myanmar settle in Canada. Finally, the man, whose real name is Myo, has left Nauru after more than 8 years and arrived in Canada. Here is

Digital Literacy Project – Update

Digital Literacy Project - Update In March 2021, Sanctuary partnered with NSS and started a fundraiser to support the temporary employment of a member of the Ezidi community as a "digital connections officer". This role would involve assisting refugee families with technological setups and issues. Thanks to the generosity of the

Annual Human Rights Lecture 2021

Annual Human Rights Lecture 2021 Armidale Sanctuary will be holding its' Annual Human Rights Lecture on Oct 28th! Once again, due to Covid-19, the event will be available in person and online. What: This is an evening where a guest, this year Professor Diana Eades, will speak on the topic of

Nauru to Canda Appeal update A year ago, Armidale Sanctuary, along with Armidale Rural Australians for Refugees, raised over $53,000 to help a Rohingya refugee on Nauru (who we call Mohib) reunite with his family in Myanmar and settle in Canada, though that country’s community settlement of refugees program. Here’s an

Australian Citizenship

Applying for Australian Citizenship Many people in the Ezidi community are now concerned about getting Australian citizenship. Be aware that there’s a rumour going around that the more children a family has, the easier it is to get citizenship. If you hear about this, please explain to people that it is

Coronavirus Advice

Coronavirus advice As we all know, 2020 was an interesting year that continues due to COVID19. Thankfully, Armidale has not been greatly effected. However, it is still a good idea for you and your families to be properly informed. SBS has produced videos in Kurdish Kurmanji about the coronavirus and, more

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