Code of Conduct
Home Readers Volunteers
- The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines for those Sanctuary members and Volunteers participating in the Home Readers program and other Sanctuary activities, who go to the houses of families being settled in Armidale under the Humanitarian Settlement program.
- Armidale Sanctuary is a not for profit incorporated association formed in 2003 to assist selected refugees and asylum seekers to relocate to and settle in Armidale, including persons granted permanent residence under the Australian Government’s Humanitarian Program and those whose claims are not finally determined.
- Settlement Services International and Armidale Sanctuary have signed a Memorandum of Understanding together to support newcomers who arrive through the Humanitarian Settlement Program to settle in the Armidale community. This collaboration seeks to enable connections between newcomers and members of Armidale Sanctuary for the purpose of fostering a spirit of community welcome and building social networks in the Armidale community.
- Volunteers will be members of Armidale Sanctuary and will be covered by and comply with the Memorandum of Understanding with Settlement Services International.
Home Reading Volunteers will be expected to:
- Participate in the school home reading program on a regular and ongoing basis for up to six months.
- Support the program by listening to children read.
- Join in and encourage game activity such as board games, card games, looking at picture books together, as well as outside activities such as walking, skipping and kicking a ball.
- Support other educational activities as organised from time to time by schools.
Home Reading Volunteers will not be expected to undertake a settlement role or provide advice and assistance with other matters such as transport.
- Volunteers will respect the privacy of the families they visit. Any photographs of children, even taken with the families’ permission, should not be posted on social media or otherwise shared. Information relating to the circumstances of the families obtained by Volunteers in the course of their visits whether to the houses of families, or at SSI, or through other connected activities will be treated as confidential. Such information will not be disclosed by the Volunteers except:
- with the express permission of the persons concerned;
- if required by law;
- if the information is generally and publically available.
- Volunteers will be respectful of the families they visit. They will welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities and be aware of, and respect, cultural differences. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, immigration status and mental and physical ability.
- Volunteers will at all times promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of the children they visit. Any concerns Volunteers may have about the wellbeing of the children and families they visit should in the first instance be raised with the President or Vice President of Armidale Sanctuary or directly with the Team Leader of SSI.
- Volunteers will be considerate of the families they visit, taking into account that many have suffered great trauma and loss. Volunteers will be aware that their decisions will affect the people they deal with and should take the possible consequences into account when making those decisions.
- Volunteers should avoid situations that may place them in a conflict of interest, financial and non-financial, particularly if they are asked for advice or assistance by the people they are assigned to visit. Volunteers should not give financial or legal assistance or advice on immigration matters. Advice or assistance on day to day matters is acceptable.
- Volunteers should be cautious in accepting gifts and hospitality from the families they are assigned to. Generally acceptance of offers of inexpensive, non-cash gifts and moderate meals made during home visits and during the course of volunteer duties are acceptable.